Irrigating your crop at the right time can lessen the impact of water stress for winter oilseed rape. This is key for ensuring yield potential and oil content.

Getting Irrigation Right

To get your Crop Off to Its Best Start !

If you sowed your crop under very dry conditions and things have been dry during emergence and early in the growing season, you may wish to consider irrigation for your winter oilseed rape (WOSR). Irrigating your crop can help you secure your yield potential but it must be done wisely. 

When to Irrigate

  • You can add up to 100mm of what to WOSR between stages F1 to G4.
  • This is the stage where the crop is flower through to pod filling.

F1 Stage : Flowering

G4 Stage : Before Harvest

More about oilseed rape

Benefits of Irrigation

To secure your yield potential and oil content :

  • Water stress for WOSR has the greatest consequences during the flowering. The impact can be dramatic for your yields.
  • Applying 100 mm of water between F1 stage and G4 stage (approximately 2 week window) can add up to 0,8T/ha to your final yield.
  • Irrigation can improve the oil content by 2 and 2,5 pts, which is an essential priority for oil collectors.

For a better nitrogen valorisation :

  • Applying 40 mm of water at the beginning of flowering (F1 stage) enables a better nitrogen valorisation, especially for nitrogen added after winter.
  • Irrigation at the beginning of flowering limits economic losses with nitrogen not well assimilated.

Find a product

Discover a full range of oilseed rape portfolio, early, mid early and mid late flowering, clearfield®, tuVY and broomrape tolerance.

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