In 2023 we have launched a new seed mixture portfolio under the brand MAS4 to answer the evolving needs of a changing agriculture. MAS4 Mixture Portfolio is divided into 4 segments: COVER, NUTRI, EXPERT and ENERGY. Each segment offers a product portfolio adapted to different needs, country, region and regulation.
The MAS4 seed portfolio is created and provided by a dedicated team from research through production up to customer support, and packed in our facility in Italy which is specialised in mixtures.
Introducing the MAS4 brand and portfolio
Cover Crops
Improve soil fertility and structure, create carbon sink
4 benefits: Protecting soil fertility and carbon balance, protein and energy autonomy, improving climate resilience and water management and finally increasing biodiversity.
Aligned with our purpose “Act together FOR (=4) a changing agriculture”
4 segments answering 4 major market needs: COVER, NUTRI, EXPERT and ENERGY
Aligned with “4 per 1 000 initiative” which aims to encourage carbon storage in the soils through adapted agricultural practices.
Overall benefits of MAS4 seeds for the farmers:
Covering soil to conserve and improve soil fertility and structure, optimise the nitrogen fertiliser usage and improve carbon balance.
Produce protein rich feed crops to improve farm autonomy.
Promote biodiversity, to control pest and diseases.
Produce renewable energy and contribute to energy autonomy.
Discover the MAS4 Product Portfolio
MAS4 COVER portfolio includes a wide range of cover and intercrops.
To face the unprecedented environmental challenges and grow towards a more sustainable agriculture, we restructured our department and aligned our short and long objectives. We will step up our efforts to create innovative products that correspond to the changing needs of farmers under the brand of MAS4.
Colin GUILLAUME, Head of Diversification and Agroecology Product Development
Discover the new MAS4 Mixture Guide
View and download the new mixture seed guide with products and advices.