Two out of three farmers do not harvest at the right date – here’s how to get it right.

Harvesting at the Right Date

60% of farmers miss harvesting their silage maize at the right time, either because of hot and dry weather conditions in august and september or because of difficulties estimating the right stage.

The best stage to harvest silage maize is between 32 and 35% dry matter. The variation in moisture is a compromise between yield, plant composition, ease of silage production, silage conservation ability and desired ingestion level by the animal. 

Undertanding Dry Matter Evolution

Determining the Best Stage for Harvest 

Observing the grain fill level is a good way of determining the plant stage in the field. 

Monitoring Dry Matter Evolution for Harvest Planning

Regional Harvesting Recommendations 

When monitoring your forage maize for harvest here are the general number of days to lose 1 pt of moisture (22°C base 6). 

Number of days to gain one point of silage DM from august to october

In fodder, number of days allowing to win 1 pt (22°C base 6)France
Czech Republic
From 15 to 30 August1.
From 1 to 15 September2.
From 16 to 30 September2.
From 1 to 15 October4.
Number of days to gain one point of silage DM

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